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Poems (Procter)/The Angel's Story

From Wikisource
by Adelaide Anne Procter
The Angel's Story
4678695Poems — The Angel's StoryAdelaide Anne Procter







"Our tokens of love are for the most part barbarous. Cold and lifeless, because they do not represent our life, The only gift is a portion of thyself. Therefore let the farmer give his corn; the miner, a gem; the sailor, coral and shells; the painter, his picture; and the poet, his poem."—Emerson's Essays.

A. A. P.

May, 1858.

THROUGH the blue and frosty heavensChristmas stars were shining bright;Glistening lamps throughout the CityAlmost matched their gleaming light;While the winter snow was lying,And the winter winds were sighing,Long ago, one Christmas night.
While, from every tower and steeple,Pealing bells were sounding clear,(Never with such tones of gladness,Save when Christmas time is near,)Many a one that night was merryWho had toiled through all the year.
That night saw old wrongs forgiven,Friends, long parted, reconciled;Voices all unused to laughter,Mournful eyes that rarely smiled,Trembling hearts that feared the morrow,From their anxious thoughts beguiled.
Rich and poor felt love and blessingFrom the gracious season fall;Joy and plenty in the cottage,Peace and feasting in the hall;And the voices of the childrenRinging clear above it all!
Yet one house was dim and darkened;Gloom, and sickness, and despair,Dwelling in the gilded chambers,Creeping up the marble stair,Even stilled the voice of mourning,—For a child lay dying there.
Silken curtains fell around him,Velvet carpets hushed the tread,Many costly toys were lying,All unheeded, by his bed;And his tangled golden ringletsWere on downy pillows spread.
The skill of that mighty CityTo save one little life was vain,—One little thread from being broken,One fatal word from being spoken;Nay, his very mother's pain,And the mighty love within her,Could not give him health again.
So she knelt there still beside him,She alone with strength to smile,Promising that he should sufferNo more in a little while,Murmuring tender song and storyWeary hours to beguile.
Suddenly an unseen PresenceChecked those constant moaning cries,Stilled the little heart's quick fluttering,Raised those blue and wondering eyes,Fixed on some mysterious vision,With a startled sweet surprise.
For a radiant angel hovered,Smiling, o'er the little bed;White his raiment, from his shouldersSnowy dove-like pinions spread,And a starlike light was shiningIn a Glory round his head.
While, with tender love, the angel,Leaning o'er the little nest,In his arms the sick child folding,Laid him gently on his breast,Sobs and wailings told the motherThat her darling was at rest.
So the angel, slowly rising,Spread his wings, and through the airBore the child, and, while he held himTo his heart with loving care,Placed a branch of crimson rosesTenderly beside him there.
While the child, thus clinging, floatedTowards the mansions of the Blest,Gazing from his shining guardianTo the flowers upon his breast,Thus the angel spake, still smilingOn the little heavenly guest:
"Know, dear little one, that HeavenDoes no earthly thing disdain,Man's poor joys find there an echoJust as surely as his pain;Love, on earth so feebly striving,Lives divine in Heaven again!
"Once in that great town below us,In a poor and narrow street,Dwelt a little sickly orphan;Gentle aid, or pity sweet,Never in life's rugged pathwayGuided his poor tottering feet.
"All the striving anxious forethoughtThat should only come with ageWeighed upon his baby spirit,Showed him soon life's sternest page;Grim Want was his nurse, and SorrowWas his only heritage.
"All too weak for childish pastimes,Drearily the hours sped;On his hands so small and tremblingLeaning his poor aching head,Or, through dark and painful hours,Lying sleepless on his bed.
"Dreaming strange and longing fanciesOf cool forests far away;And of rosy, happy children,Laughing merrily at play,Coming home through green lanes, bearingTrailing boughs of blooming May.
"Scarce a glimpse of azure heavenGleamed above that narrow street,And the sultry air of summer(That you call so warm and sweet)Fevered the poor orphan, dwellingIn the crowded alley's heat.
"One bright day, with feeble footstepsSlowly forth he tried to crawl,Through the crowded city's pathways,Till he reached a garden-wall,Where 'mid princely halls and mansionsStood the lordliest of all.
"There were trees with giant branches,Velvet glades where shadows hide;There were sparkling fountains glancing,Flowers, which in luxuriant prideEven wafted breaths of perfumeTo the child who stood outside.
"He against the gate of ironPressed his wan and wistful face,Gazing with an awe-struck pleasureAt the glories of the place;Never had his brightest day-dreamShone with half such wondrous grace.
"You were playing in that garden,Throwing blossoms in the air,Laughing when the petals floatedDownwards on your golden hair;And the fond eyes watching o'er you,And the splendor spread before you,Told a House's Hope was there.
"When your servants, tired of seeingSuch a face of want and woe,Turning to the ragged orphan,Gave him coin, and bade him go,Down his cheeks so thin and wastedBitter tears began to flow.
"But that look of childish sorrowOn your tender child-heart fell,And you plucked the reddest rosesFrom the tree you loved so well,Passed them through the stern cold grating,Gently bidding him 'Farewell!'
"Dazzled by the fragrant treasureAnd the gentle voice he heard,In the poor forlorn boy's spirit,Joy, the sleeping Seraph, stirred;In his hand he took the flowers,In his heart the loving word.
"So he crept to his poor garret;Poor no more, but rich and bright,For the holy dreams of childhood—Love, and Rest, and Hope, and Light—Floated round the orphan's pillowThrough the starry summer night,
"Day dawned, yet the visions lasted;All too weak to rise he lay;Did he dream that none spake harshly,—All were strangely kind that day?Surely then his treasured rosesMust have charmed all ills away.
"And he smiled, though they were fading;One by one their leaves were shed;'Such bright things could never perish,They would bloom again,' he said.When the next day's sun had risenChild and flowers both were dead.
"Know, dear little one! our FatherWill no gentle deed disdain:Love on the cold earth beginningLives divine in Heaven again,While the angel hearts that beat thereStill all tender thoughts retain."
So the angel ceased, and gentlyO'er his little burthen leant;While the child gazed from the shining,Loving eyes that o'er him bent,To the blooming roses by him,Wondering what that mystery meant.
Thus the radiant angel answered,And with tender meaning smiled:"Ere your childlike, loving spirit,Sin and the hard world defiled,God has given me leave to seek you,—I was once that little child!"
In the church-yard of that cityRose a tomb of marble rare,Decked, as soon as Spring awakened,With her buds and blossoms fair,—And a humble grave beside it,—No one knew who rested there.