Poems (Procter)/The Names of Our Lady

Around thy starry crown are wreathed So many names divine:Which is the dearest to my heart, And the most worthy thine?
Star of the Sea: we kneel and pray When tempests raise their voice;Star of the Sea! the haven reached, We call thee and rejoice.
Help of the Christian: in our need Thy mighty aid we claim;If we are faint and weary, then We trust in that dear name.
Our Lady of the Rosary: What name can be so sweetAs what we call thee when we place Our chaplets at thy feet.
Bright Queen of Heaven: when we are sad, Best solace of our pains;—It tells us, though on earth we toil, Our Mother lives and reigns.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel: thus Sometimes thy name is known;It tells us of the badge we wear, To live or die thine own.
Our Lady dear of Victories: We see our faith oppressed,And, praying for our erring land, We love that name the best.
Refuge of Sinners: many a soul, By guilt cast down, and sin,Has learned through this dear name of thine Pardon and peace to win.
Health of the Sick: when anxious hearts Watch by the sufferer's bed,On this sweet name of thine they lean, Consoled and comforted.
Mother of Sorrows: many a heart Half-broken by despairHas laid its burden by the cross, And found a mother there.
Queen of all Saints: the Church appeals For her loved dead to thee;She knows they wait in patient pain A bright eternity.
Fair Queen of Virgins: thy pure band, The lilies round thy throne,Love the dear title which they bear Most that it is thine own.
True Queen of Martyrs: if we shrink From want, or pain, or woe,We think of the sharp sword that pierced Thy heart, and call thee so.
Mary: the dearest name of all, The holiest and the best;The first low word that Jesus lisped Laid on His mother's breast.
Mary, the name that Gabriel spoke, The name that conquers hell;Mary, the name that through high heaven The angels love so well.
Mary,—our comfort and our hope,— O may that word be givenTo be the last we sigh on earth,— The first we breathe in heaven.