Poems (Procter)/The Old Year's Blessing
If my gifts and graces Coldly you forget,Let the New Year's Angel Bless and crown them yet.
For we work together; He and I are one:Let him end and perfect All I leave undone.
I brought Good Desires, Though as yet but seeds;Let the New Year make them Blossom into Deeds.
I brought Joy to brighten Many happy days;Let the New Year's Angel Turn it into Praise.
If I gave you Sickness, If I brought you Care,Let him make one Patience, And the other Prayer.
Where I brought you Sorrow, Through his care, at length,It may rise triumphant Into future Strength.
If I brought you Plenty, All wealth's bounteous charms,Shall not the New Angel Turn them into Alms?
I gave Health and Leisure, Skill to dream and plan;Let him make them nobler;— Work for God and Man.
If I broke your Idols, Showed you they were dust,Let him turn the Knowledge Into heavenly Trust.
If I brought Temptation, Let sin die awayInto boundless Pity For all hearts that stray.
If your list of Errors Dark and long appears,Let this new-born Monarch Melt them into Tears.
May you hold this Angel Dearer than the last,—So I bless his Future, While be crowns my Past.