Poems (Proctor)/Alexander II. of Russia

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by Edna Dean Proctor
Alexander II. of Russia
4615573Poems — Alexander II. of RussiaEdna Dean Proctor
Hail to the Czar Alexander!
Hail to the Prince of the Free!
Not to the proud would he pander;
Truer and nobler and grander
Than Macedon's hero, is he—

Listen! how melodies rural
Freight every wind with his praise!
Give him the golden crown mural!—
First from the seas to the Oural
Liberty's flag to upraise—

Greatest 1s not the Czar Peter;
(Sound it, O Bells, from each steeple! )
No, for his fame will be fleeter;
No, for the homage is sweeter
Paid to the Czar of the People—

Ah! when the Muscovite story
Ages to ages shall tell,
Still will the patriarchs hoary
Cry, "I was the Czar of our glory,
He who loved Russians so well—

God be his shield and defender!
Keep him from sorrow afar!
Then, when his life he shall render,
Fold in eternity's splendor
Russia's redeemer—the Czar