Poems (Proctor)/In Old Siam

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4615652Poems — In Old SiamEdna Dean Proctor
O the wonder! O the glory!
Hunting deer by hill and glade,
In the balm and flush of morning
Down the woodland ways I strayed.
Bright the lotus buds were blowing;
Rose and jasmine wreathed the bowers;
Every thicket rung with music;
Dropped the dews in pearly showers.
O the wonder! O the glory!
Merit's ravishing reward!
'Neath a stately Bo-tree's shadow,
Still as statue on the sward,

Stood the pure, celestial lord,
The White Elephant, a Buddha!
To the earth I fell and murmured,
"Mighty one! how blest my fate
In the forest thus to find thee—
I so low and thou so great!"
Breathless then I sought the temple,
Calling high o'er hymn and prayer,
"Leave your chant, O priests, and offer
Thanks and gifts beyond compare!
What is Kandy's Tooth, or Footprint,
To a living, present lord?—
Tell the rulers! rouse the soldiers!
Bid your fairest scribe record
I have seen him on the sward,
The White Elephant, a Buddha!"

How we bore him to the palace
Down Meinam's rejoicing tide!—
I a noble now and honored,
Standing proud my King beside.
Trumpets blew and cannon thundered;
Chimed the sweet pagoda bells;
On his forehead holy water
Princes poured from jewelled shells;
Every temple heaped its altars;
Every town was wild with glee;
So with song and shout and splendor
To the palace home came he,
To his shrine that fronts the sea,—
The White Elephant, a Buddha!