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Poems (Proctor)/The Rescue

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4615631Poems — The RescueEdna Dean Proctor
Now to the Lord Almighty—How wondrous are His ways!—And Our Lady of Guadalipe,The Holy Virgin, praise!They pitied us in our anguish,And safe through thousand foesIn the desert and the wilderness,Brought us to this repose;And we will love and praise themTill life itself shall close!
'T was a festal day in Larna,Our Blessed Lady's feast;We were up and away to the church in the valeAs dawn was red in the east,To catch the swell of the matin hymn,The first chant of the priest.We knelt beside the altarWith its pictures brought from Spain;The censers swung, the sweet bells rung,Our hearts made glad refrain;And home we went at eveningWhile the Angelus was tolled, And the peaks of the far SierraGleamed in the sunset gold.But just as we neared the hamlet,Where the shadows deepest lie,From a cleft in the woody hillsideThere came an awful cry,And lo! the fierce ApachesIn all their wild arrayBurst from the cedar thicketAnd bore us far away!
Our Lady must have listenedTo the shrieks that rent the air,When I saw my loved JuanitaSeized by her shining hair,And her brave young brother, Leon,Thrust with a sharp spear back—So the cougar springs on the helpless deerIn a lonely forest track!All night we went in silenceBy stream and steep defile,To halt at morn on the lofty cliffs,From Larna many a mile;To halt while our masters ate their fillOf the flesh of the mountain bear,Of mescal, acorns, cactus fruitsTheir prisoners might not share.How dread they were by light of day!Painted from waist to crown,Their sashes blazoned with the stars,Their black locks streaming down; With charms of lightning-riven twigs,And stones their foes must shun,And, borne at their belts, the sacred mealFor offerings to the sun.In horror and despair we gazed,When, hush! a bugle callCame winding, winding through the air,And up the mountain wall!"The saints above watch o'er us!"In Leon's ear I sighed;"By this I know in the plain belowOur gallant soldiers ride!"
The chief has caught the note! His scoutsCreep wary through the grass;And stern with hate and fear he setsHis braves to guard the pass;All eyes are bent upon the plain,As hawks in mid-air hover;—We breathe a prayer, and noiselesslySlip through the dense pine cover!And once again that bugle-callIs borne upon the wind,—Our Lady's grace!—and on we speedTo leave the fiends behind.
Silent as startled quail we stoleBeneath the kindly shade,Till we turned the brow of the precipiceAnd gained a quiet glade;— What was that rustling in the brake?Does the dire Apache follow?It was only the partridge of the rockScared from her sylvan hollow;—Then on by crags where the tender lambsOf the mountain sheep are hid;Down streams that dark with pool and fallDescend the rocks amid;O'er sunny slopes whose blooms were gayAs a garden bed in spring,With birds of every rainbow hueLike flowers that had taken wing;—We heard the whir of the rattlesnake;The timid fawn we found;The stag, disturbed in his cool recess,Went by us with a bound;The grizzly bear and the wildcat lurkedIn cave and jungle dim;The panther, waiting for his prey,Couched on the pendent limb;—I pressed the cross to my beating heart,And with many a murmured prayerWe passed, unharmed, the serpent's coil,Unharmed, the wild beast's lair.At twilight, faint and chill and bruised,And torn by flint and thorn,On the edge of the plain, in the tule reeds,We sank to rest, forlorn.The vulture wheeled above the marsh;We heard the gray wolf's cry; But God was merciful—we sleptTill the sun rose bright on high;And then, O blessed Virgin!The troops came riding by!
They halt! we mount!—then far we rodeThrough grove and cañon gray;O'er the blinding sands of the weary wasteWhere the tired streams sink away;Till just as the sunset splendorWas flooding plain and steep,And the wind, like a waft of paradise,Woke from its noonday sleep—Oh, never, never can we forgetThe joy of that glorious even—We saw the fort, with its starry flag,Fair as the gate of heaven!And to the Lord Almighty,Who rules and guides our days,And the Saints, and the blessed Virgin,We lift our hearts in praise!