Poems (Proctor)/The Russian's Dream of Constantinople

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by Edna Dean Proctor
The Russian's Dream of Constantinople
4615647Poems — The Russian's Dream of ConstantinopleEdna Dean Proctor
Hail to the glorious morning
When the Cross again shall shine
On the summit of Saint Sophia,
O city of Constantine!
And that day of sack and slaughter
When the wild, despairing cries
Of "Kyrie Eleison!" fainter
Went wailing up to the skies,
Shall be lost in the splendid triumph
As the Church reclaims her own,
And the Patriarch welcomes our Lord, the Czar,
To the Cæsars' ancient throne!

Shame to the laggard Latins!
Shame to the grovelling Greeks!
The crescent above Sophia's dome
Their foul dishonor speaks!
But, over Holy Russia,
Its Cross triumphant towers,
And the creed and the crown of Constantine
Alike shall yet be ours;
And the grandeur of our dominion
For the woes of the past atone,
When the Patriarch welcomes our Lord, the Czar,
To the Cæsars' ancient throne!

In the sky of the south, at midnight,
We have seen God's flaming sign,
And we know He will drive the Moslem horde,
In wrath, from his sacred shrine!
Silent will be the muezzin
As the sun on Asia sets;
Folded the crescent banner;
Crumbled the minarets.
Then, under that dome of glory,
Victorious chants we 'll raise,
While the saints look down with loving eyes,
And the gems of the altar blaze!
Hail to the day when the Eagles
And the Cross shall gain their own,
As the Patriarch welcomes our Lord, the Czar,
To the Cæsars' ancient throne!