Poems (Radford)/At Last
For works with similar titles, see At Last.
At Last
My feet had faltered in the way, Before I was aware,In the bleak road it was most meteI should before the night complete,The stony road that tore my feet— Which were so bare.
My eyes were watchful as I went, And steadfast night and day,Through all the valley mists that riseFrom spring to spring—I was so wise—There were not any tearless eyes More clear than they.
So sure upon the road I was, My heart was cold as stone,I would not let its passion wake,I strove and killed it for the sakeOf that high way I thought to take, Till Heaven were won.
So cold my heart and icy deep, The dreams upon it cast,My pain was like a frozen shroudRound a dead Queen whose face is proud,The while I said that God allowed Such pain to last.
But came a day of all the days That were so surely bleak,My shroud was changed to leaping flame,From sun and moon and stars there cameA fire to fill my heart—whose name I dare not speak.
I did not stop for joy or fear, I did not stay my feet,I said "My heart is strong as fire,My heart shall burn with its desire,Its rapture shall not break nor tire This is most mete."
Before I was aware, oh God, Before my strength could choose,I left the road so long decreed,I faltered—and my steps were freed,To find these flowers—for all my need— These morning dews.
This summer bed of fragrant thyme, For me so newly made,These shining meadows through whose sunLike little streams the shadows run,Where now—before the day is done— I am afraid.
My tears are wet upon my cheek I have not any care,Deep in the dews I bow my face—To ask Thy pity in this place,Where I have faltered by Thy grace, So unaware.