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Poems (Rice)/With a Meerschaum

From Wikisource
4528600Poems — With a MeerschaumMaria Theresa Rice
I BEG that thou, beloved friend, My taste will never doubt, If I a meerschaum now should send With feelings most devout.
For I have pressing on my mind That I may not disclose; Some friends we have, appearing kind, Who lighten many woes.
But after all the future may Unravel every theme, Divesting us with some delay' Of facts, just as they seem.
To picture forth the troubled heart Thou hast so oft relieved—But I would not to-night impart How much some gifts have grieved.
'Tis ended now. A trifle this To thee, beloved, may seem; I'll pray that most consummate bliss Inspire each smoking dream.