Poems (Rumell)/Back to god
I love t' talk o' th' crops an' weather,T' hear of another's finery an' feather.I love th' touch o' th' silken robe,An' th' lazy fragrance o' th' rich man's road!I love th' joy of an honest day's toil,Though it tire me with in an' bring me soil!
But I also love th' ephemeral blue,Th' call o' th' bird, an' th' startled hue,O' it's homin' mate. I love t' gazeIn th' distant sky, an' love t' dream,O' th' things out there that I seemT' have seen in th' days gone by!
An' how I love t' slip out int' space,An' answer that call face t' face.Oh I love th' thrill an' th' ecstacy,That I believe God meant was ours t' be.I love it! An' though but an earthly clod,I believe tis the road, that leads back t' God!