Poems (Rumell)/My garden walk
Hollyhocks and daisies, grow along my garden walk,They nod and talk to me, just like ordinary folk.All they say, I'd never tell, altho it sometimes seems to meThat every one must see and hear the things I hear and see.
And as we visited and gossiped, one lazy day in June,A solemn stately hollyhock, beckoned me amid the bloom,As I hastened to her side, she smiled and bowed her head,"Do you know that flowers have missions in this world," she sweetly said.
Have you ever stopped to think, just what flowers meant to youIn their fragrant, upward struggle toward the bright and sunny blue?EACH has it's tiny mission, which by the law, it must fulfill,Until this it has accomplished, it must go on blooming still.
That mission may not be one of grandeur, pomp, or pride,It may be just a thot of courage, to a gentle timid bride,Just a fragrant cooling touch, to a shutin baby's hand,A calm and peaceful tribute, to one who died for fatherland.
As with you, so with we flowers, each must his mission fill!"The hollyhock gave me a stately bow, and touched her dainty frill.I gazed about in mute surprize, at those colored perfumed lazies,But from that day, felt more respect for my hollyhocks and daisies.