Poems (Rumell)/The door of a womans soul
Too long have you waited, outside that open door,By womanly wiles enticed, as never man was before.By the lure of a Dreamer's paradise! Is it FateWho can say? I only know, the door is closed, It is too late!
That door would have led us into a higher bliss!But you craved no greater joy, than passions burning kiss!Long years my soul has enticed you. O is this Fate?I know in the center of my being, the door is closed, It is too late!
Will you suffer, even as I, or will you ever really know,I have passed you by, only, because you would not go!Even now, my heart and hands, would draw you within the gate!But you will not hear nor see! And-Oh the door is closed, It is too late!
Never, hand in hand, shall we stroll fields of higher truth,Or reach the enchanted castles, I dreamed of in my youth!But-I am going on! Oh what of you? Is this our Fate?I can not say! I only know the door is closed, It is too late!