Poems (Rumell)/The travelers
As I gaze into the starry distance,Past all this earthy night,I see a glorious path way,Flooded with wondrous light!
It is filled with joyous travelers,Whose faces, reflect this light.They are the fleshbound spirits,Who have passed the belief of night.
They've proved in their souls center,They are absolute Spirit now,Need not pass death's doorway, to enterThe fulfillment, of that God given vow!
They reach from the dim, dark ages,Of the past, down to the present day.Each bearing his small proof, eternal,Till all doubt, has been swept away.
Below, along this wondrous pathway.Stretching farther than eye can see,Lies a plain; crowded with beingsOf the earth, earthy, longing to be free.
They are not willing to deny the fleshpots,Acknowledge, God gave spiritual man controlOver the universe, and all therein created.Over all the material seems to hold!
They are a vast throng, of discontented,Inharmonious, creatures of night:With an occasional stir and commotionAs one faces, and steps into the light.
So-the throng swells in the lighted pathway.They come,-all races, colors and creed.Their faces reflecting the joyousness,That, from the belief of earth they are freed!
I see that dim line of the past growing broader,Into a vast, mighty throng, here below.I believe the words of the prophet, will be provenOn this earth: that every knee shall bow!