Poems (Ryan)/Mizpah

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For works with similar titles, see Mizpah.
4511549Poems — MizpahMary C. Ryan

God watch between us, though apart
Our weary feet must rove,
And bind with golden clasps this heart
With thine in holy love.

When brightly beams the sky above,
As on some placid lake we glide,
Each fragile bark, God watch with love,
And to some blissful haven guide,

Oh! lead life's trend through earth's dark vale,
Shield each from Satan's guile;
Comfort our hearts in sorrow's gale
With a benignant smile.

And lead us both through pastures green,
To the pure fount of life;
There let us rest 'neath skies serene;
Conquerors in earth's strife.

Mizpah, oh! lisp, and let us part
With hopes to meet again.
May each e'er pray with contrite heart—
"God watch betwixt us twain."