Poems (Schiller)/Sunbeams
For works with similar titles, see Sunbeams.
Where go to find the sunbeams? Not in the palaces bright,Where gold and silver glitter With grandeur in the light.
Where ladies dressed in splendor With pearls and diamonds gleam,Where lords in revels drink their wine; Not there stays the bright sunbeam.
Nor within the damp and chilly walls Of misers, old and gray,Who hoard their money cent by cent, Not there the sunbeams stay.
But in the meadows bright and gay The sunbeams revel in their play,And chase the butterflies on their way; There the bright sunbeams stay.
And on the cottage floor they lie In happiness; Oh! tell me whyThey seem as happy as you or I, Because that is the home of the sunbeam.[Aged 13 years.]