Poems (Schiller)/The latest ballad
To our townsmen, and rural friends greeting: Old and young, maids and matrons, all,Come and list to the spring-time repeating Of the message sent you last fall.Another new stock of fine dry goods For all who are ready to buyJust arrived at Sheller's store on the corner Of Cumberland street and High.For some new array, all are longing; Fabrics airy, dainty and clean,For is not all nature rejoicing In robes of the liveliest green?The hills that the soft clouds are kissing, The meadows that slopeth alongWhere the creek winds its patient way onward Softly rippling its tribute of song,Not a tree nor a shrub in the valley, But in nature's grand opening hath a share,Each having sought out an adorning, Fragrant, marvelous and fair.One branch of the tall maple family Is out in a delicate green,And their cousins have gathered around them Fair mantles of silver-green.The peaches that live in the orchard Have new robes as pink as a blush,And the apple trees sway their gay garments And nod at the song of the thrush.I know of a pear 'mid whose branches The song birds seem eager to hide,That wears a robe, white and shimmering Enough for the loveliest bride.And down in the garden the flowers Are brilliant and varied in hue,And I'm sure you are anxious to match them With something becoming and new. Call and see us, our new goods are charming And will certainly suit you in price,For you'll find that a small sum will purchase Many articles useful and nice,To go into details is not needful, Rest assured that we have a supplyOf life's good things here on the corner Of Cumberland street and High.