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Poems (Schiller)/The spirit's strivings

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by Rebecca Jane Schiller
The spirit's strivings
4641937Poems — The spirit's strivingsRebecca Jane Schiller
When the peaceful hour of twilightComes at close of day,And the whippoorwill is singing,Loud its evening lay;Tell us then, is not God's spiritStriving with your heart,Bidding you to turn to Jesus,From your sins depart?
When among the gay you wander,Bound by pleasure's chain,Do you not, 'mid jest and laughter,Hear that voice again,Telling you that earthly pleasuresSoon must fade away;Bidding you to gather treasures,That will not decay?
When a loved one gently passes,To the other shore,And the shadow of the death kingFlits within your door;Then does not the spirit whisperOf a throne above,Of a crown that may be yoursBy a life of love?
Oh, my sister, if the spiritStriveth thus with you,Listen to its gentle teachings,Life begin anew;And my brother, dear, remember,Jesus for you died;Choose Him then, for He will everBe a faithful guide.February 8, 1868.