Poems (Sewell)/On Œconomy
Oh, Fair Œconomy! I bless thy way,Undeckt with chaplets fair or roses gay;Tho' poor it seems, when all thy toils are past,It leads to Honour, and to Bliss at last!The friend of Charity—of Peace thou art,And Justice clasps thee to her spotless heart!Tho' homely is thy form—reserv'd thy air, And seldom seen in festive sports to share,Yet Wisdom's self partakes thy humble fare,And cool Reflection marks thy sober mien,With conscious dignity and smiles serene! If ere thy frown some social joy denies,'Tis but to make some nobler good thy prize!Slow is thy step, but Patience leads the way,And Hope, sweet Hope, illumes thee with its ray.
Whilst gay Extravagance, whate'er her pow'rs,But decks the precipice with fading flow'rs,Beguiles the wand'rer with seducing art,And strikes the treach'rous dagger in his heart!Despis'd Œconomy! 'tis thine to gain,What Passion seeks, and Genius courts in vain!—Thou offspring of the Wisdom from Above,Thou friend to Safety and to virtuous Love!Oh! may the Friend I prize, thy graces view,And bear thy frowns, to share thy blessings too.