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Poems (Sharpless)/Peace

From Wikisource
For works with similar titles, see Peace.
4648443Poems — PeaceFrances M. Sharpless
I have a gem in my bosom hid,From curious eyes it lieth alone;And no miser can joy more over his goldThan I o'er this jewel that's all my own.
When cruel words, with their stings of scorn,Pierce my unguarded and ready heart,I look on its pearl-like beauty, calm,Till its soft glow sootheth the bitter smart.
It is mine, all mine, while my life shall last,Given of God, and of only Him;I leave the noisy mirth of the world,The gaudy lustre that makes it dim,
To go alone, or with one I love,Where silence and shadow brood calm and fair;And looking deep in my soul I findThis glorious jewel glowing there.
You who would know what its name may be,When most your hearts are free from care,Resting on God with a child-like trust,Look in your souls, you will find it there.
When the whole wide world seems fullest of loveThat spreads like a veil over sorrow and sin,When holy thoughts seem natural and right,Look then, for it nestles close within.