Poems (Sherwin)/To a weeping friend

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4524310Poems — To a weeping friendElizabeth Sherwin
Friend of my early days, O tell me why
That look of anguish lingers on thine eye?
Why sits that heavy cloud upon thy brow,
And why is grief thy bosom rending now?

Why dost thou weep, and why art thou so sad,
When all around is smiling—all is glad?
Oh! hast thou watched thy brightest hopes decay?
Gay visions fade and melt in air away?
All that thy soul so fondly clung to here,
Snatched from thy trembling grasp and disappear?
Or hast thou struggled hard with keen distress,
Of which thy features bear the deep impress?
Still struggle on. With dauntless courage bear.
Of sorrow thou canst only have thy share.
A watchful Providence is ever near,
Thy weary, sinking soul to sooth and cheer,
Whose boundless knowledge marks the sparrow's fall,
A gracious God, who careth for us all.