Poems (Shipton)/Praise for All
"All things are yours."—1 Cor. iii. 21.
Praise, my soul, the love that sought thee! Praise the Lord, whose blood hath bought thee! Praise for all!
"Ye are Christ's." Can any sever Christ and thee? Nay! Then for ever Praise for all!
Praise for triumph, or for trial, Prayer swift answered, or denial: Praise for all!
Praise for friends, best loved and loving; And the love in all removing: Praise for all!
For the days of health and gladness, And the nights of weeping sadness: Praise for all!
Tears, though wept for others' sorrow, Or the joy that flies to-morrow: Praise for all!
For the path made plain before thee, For the dark cloud lined with glory: Praise for all!
For the sickness sent to chasten, And the chariot home to hasten: Praise for all!
For the hope that waneth never, For the rest beyond the river: Praise for all!