Poems (Smith)/The Death of Lulu
Lulu's at rest in the arms of her Saviour, Who said, "Suffer little children to come unto me." Sweet bud of bright promise resting so sweetly With Jesus in glorious immortality.
Transplanted to Heaven this bud of sweet beauty Ere blossomed on earth to a full blooming flower; Its perfume and beauty fill the portals of Heaven, Around the bright throne in its beautiful bower.
God's mysteries, mother, we may never discover, Till called from this earth where all is revealed; While resting our faith in our kind, gentle Saviour, Our trust in sweet Heaven forever is sealed.
There with dear Lulu, your bright little cherub, Your spirits will mingle in Heaven's own United forever, your light ever shining, And nothing obscuring your vision all bright.
Be happy, kind mother, though Lulu's de- parted; Never let your sweet eves overflow with sad tears; Take up the cross meekly: the crown will be brighter, When called from this earth and eternity appears.