Poems (Smith)/Thy Sparkling Eye
Thy sparkling eye and soul-lit face Shine on my heart with heavenly grace. The beauty of thy face divine Will live in my heart in future time.
I feel, sweet one, I could resign All dear in life to be ever thine,—In winter's cold or summer's heat Could worship ever at thy feet.
The ecstasy my heart doth thrill,—With all my soul I love thee still. Gently thy tender love sublime I earnestly pray may yet be mine.
Around thee all seems beauteous love, Fitting mate for angels above. Yet linger in this world below, I pray thee, dear one, I love thee so.
Oh, turn those beauteous eyes on me; Let me once more thy love-light see. Little Cupid has touched the heart,—I will love thee, dearest, till death us part.