Poems (Strong)/A Love Song in Florida
A LOVE SONG IN FLORIDATo J. R. S., Feb. 14, 1905
The birds salute the break of day With sweetest song e'er sung;They swell their little throats with joy, And carol, "Love is young."
The wavelets in the morning sun Fling up a film of spray,And, dancing on the pebbly beach, They chatter, "Love is gay."
The noonday zephyr passes through Each twig and leafy crest;It nestles in the drowsy pines And murmurs, "Love is rest."
The tiny voices of the woods, As wane the light and heat,And sunset glow is over all, Are crooning, "Love is sweet."
The evening star, the Star of Love, Gilds palm and tasseled pine;She lights with joy the lover's heart And whispers, "Love is thine."