Poems (Terry, 1861)/There
For works with similar titles, see There.
THERE."La-bas! la-bas! sous la verdure!"
Oh! if I were buried,Love, thy sweetness could not leave me,Nor thy smile, false Hope, deceive me,Neither joy nor terror grieve me There.
Oh that I were buried!Grass above mine eyelids growing,Overhead the wild winds blowing,Peacefully the slow years flowing, There.
Oh! if I were buried,Then my heart were filled forever,Throbbing pulses cease to quiver,Cooled in rapture's tranquil river, There.
Oh that I were buried!Never any wearied dreaming,No more night and no more seeming,Truth's eternal splendor beaming, There.
Oh! if I were buried,They who leave me to my sighing,Would repent above my dying,But I should not hear their crying There.