Poems (Toke)/Christmas hymn

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For works with similar titles, see Christmas hymn.
4623791Poems — Christmas hymnEmma Toke

THIS is the day when Jesus Christ
A holy Babe was born,
And we must greet, with thankful joy.
The happy Christmas morn.

For God's own Son forsook, to-day,
The shining courts on high;
For us to be a lowly Child,
To suffer, and to die.

The watching shepherds saw that night
A glory like the day,
And angel voices bid them seek
The stable where He lay.

And all around, the heavenly host
A holy song began,—
"Glory to God on high, in earth
Peace and good will to man."

Lord, make us feel with grateful love
What Thou for us hast borne,
And every year more fitly greet
The happy Christmas morn.


December 4, 1842.