Poems (Toke)/Lines (Ah, no! thou shalt not be forgot)

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For works with similar titles, see Lines.
4623843Poems — LinesEmma Toke
AH, no! thou shalt not be forgot;
Thou still mayst claim fond Memory's tear,
Though lowly was thine earthly lot;
And oh! how brief thy bright career!

Thine was a pure and shining light,
Still brightening on to perfect day,
Which beamed upon our raptured sight
One fleeting hour, then passed away.

Deep, holy love, and dauntless faith,
Filled all thy heart with quickening power;
Peace, joy, and hope illumed thy path,
And glory crowned thy parting hour.

And though the grave now wraps thy rest,
Thy bright example still can shed
A holy influence pure and bright,
A fragrance breathing from the dead.

Yes, all who here retrace thy worth,
Must heave a fervent, prayerful sigh,
  Like thee to pass their time on earth,
And oh! like thee to soar on high.
