Poems (Toke)/Psalm CXII

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4623742Poems — Psalm CXIIEmma Toke
HOW blessed is he who loves the Lord,
Whose hope and trust are in His word,
And who with joy and holy fear
Can feel his God is ever near!

His seed shall dwell on earth in peace;
And e'en when all his labours cease,
His earnest prayers and tears may shed
A blessing on his children's head.

That peace which makes the bosom glow,
That wealth the world can never know,
The hope of realms of endless day,
Shall bless and cheer His earthly way.

And e'en when all around is gloom,
When every joy has found a tomb,
And not one ray of hope appears
To mark the dawn of brighter years;

Yet still a beam of heavenly light
Can pierce the darkest shades of night,
And pour its radiance through the gloom,
To light the way-worn pilgrim home.

The man whose heart is fixed on high,
Still bends to earth a pitying eye;
The more his hopes of glory glow,
The more his love to men below.

And surely he shall ne'er be moved,
Who while on earth of God was loved;
And many a tear for him shall flow,
When in the grave he's sleeping low.

No dread of evil tidings near
Can move his soul with trembling fear;
His heart is fixed,—God's love he knows,
From whom all peace and comfort flows.

And oh! his peace shall still remain,
When those who viewed his joy with pain,
And all who hate Thy name, O Lord,
Shall melt like snow-wreaths at Thy word.
