Poems (Toke)/Psalm LXVII

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4623750Poems — Psalm LXVIIEmma Toke
HAVE mercy on us, Lord,
And bless us from above;
Oh! let Thy face unclouded shine,
With beams of light and love.

Grant, Lord, that all the earth
May with Thy light be blessed,
And every clime, from pole to pole,
In Thee find peace and rest.

Let every nation join
To praise Thy holy Name,
And every heart and every voice
Conspire to swell the strain.

Oh, sing for joy! He comes
On earth once more to reign;
And 'neath His sway the world shall rise
To life and light again.

Let every nation join
To praise His holy Name,
And every voice and every land
Conspire to swell the strain.

Oh! then the earth shall yield
To us her full increase,
And God, our God, shall bless the land
With endless joy and peace.

Yea, God shall bless, and lo!
The darkness melt away;
All nations fear His Name, and rise
To light and endless day.
