Poems (Toke)/Psalm VIII

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4623763Poems — Psalm VIIIEmma Toke
O LORD, our God, through all the earth,
Thy Name is great alone,—
Thou, who above the heavenly host
Hast set Thy glorious throne.

Thou, from the mouth of helpless babes,
Hast strength and might ordained,
And proved to those who hate Thy Name,
The power of Thy right hand.

Oh! when my wondering eyes behold
Thy heavens on high displayed,
The glorious moon and gem-like stars,
Which Thy right hand hath made;

I feel with awe—oh! what is man,
That Thou, from Heaven above,
Shouldst think of him, and, more than all,
Shouldst bless him with Thy love?

For Thou hast placed him next to those
Who round Thy throne adore,
And Thou hast crowned his helpless head,
With glory, strength, and power.

Yea, Thou hast made him lord of all,
He reigns o'er land and sea;
The beasts of earth, the fowls of air,
Are placed beneath his sway.

O God, our God, through all the earth,
Thy holy Name's adored;
Before Thy gracious feet we bow,
And own Thee King and Lord.
