Poems (Toke)/Psalm XXVIII

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4623757Poems — Psalm XXVIIIEmma Toke
TO Thee, O Lord, my rock, I cry,
In silence hear me not,
Or I shall sadly sink like those
A Who fall and are forgot.
Oh! when I call hear Thou my voice,
And bid my sorrow cease;
Yea, save me when I lift my hands
To Thy blest ark of peace.

And draw me not away with those
Who love the evil path;
Give them, O Lord, as they deserve,
And smite them in Thy wrath.
Because Thy works they ne'er regard,
Nor own Thy guiding hand,
Thou shalt consume them in that day,
Nor let their counsel stand.

Oh, blessed be the Lord my shield,
For He hath heard my voice;
I trusted Him and help hath come,
Therefore will I rejoice.
Yea, I will sing and praise His Name,
For He will ever prove
A light, a shield, to those who know
And feel His boundless love.

Oh, save and bless Thy people, Lord!
To Thee for help I flee.
Oh, feed them with the Bread of Life,
And lift them up to Thee.


October 11, 1832.