Poems (Toke)/Sonnet (Thou enviest the gift of poesy)
For works with similar titles, see Sonnet.
HOU enviest the gift of poesy,— And 'tis a glorious power, to bear along The hearts of thousands on the tide of song,To rouse the bondman and enchain the free!And rare as genius such as this may be, Yet many a spirit of far gentler mould,Thrills with that mystic inborn melody, Which tuneful numbers can alone unfold.But all earth's brightest gifts have their alloy; And minds refined and sensitive, that glowResponsive to the lightest touch of joy, Yet feel the keener every breeze, and bowWhere firmer spirits shrink not. Well if yearsBring calmer, holier thoughts, to still both hopes and fears.

April 20, 1850.