Poems (Trask)/False
For works with similar titles, see False.
I met him yesterday, down by the sea, Stood for a moment with his hand on mine; Heard once again his soft voice speak to me, And the hot blood fired up my cheeks like wine,—In memory I went back to that sweet time When life was all divine!
Once, when I met him, through his deep, dark eyes Shone out the brilliance of a tender glow,—Lighting his face as sunset lights the skies When its encrimsoned glories ebb and flow! Last night his eyes were steel, so hard and dense, His smile was frozen snow.
We dwell apart, our paths are severed wide; We hold no more those precious twilight talks, When in love's perfectness, close, side by side, We wandered down the labyrinthine walks Of those old woods, where now the lonesome wind In gloomy grandeur stalks.
Once, I loved moonlight; loved those still Fall nights, When radiant amber filled the atmosphere,—When the arched sky burned red with Northern Lights, And earth seemed listening with a half-fledged fear. I loved all things because I worshiped him, And he was ever near.
Now, I shut out all pleasant sights, and close, With firm cold hands, my curtains 'gainst the stars; And bar my windows, lest my stern repose Be stirred by sound of love-songs and guitars;—Would that I had the power to close my heart With treble bolts and bars!
I know him false! I scorn him! so I say; I would not look upon his face again! With me all love and trust have had their day, I've done with sweet young faith and hope; but then, He whom a woman once has loved can never be, To her, like other men.