Poems (Tynan)/Love Inconstant
After April months and May Love of birds will fly away. After June light loves grown chilly Part, though tarry rose and lily. O alas! such loves should sunder, They who made the world a wonder, Raining from their honey throats Golden notes and silver notes!
O in April what unrest Stirs the swallow's sea-born breast? For some love of old and golden, Where pale orchards bloom unfolden: For some silent heartstring stirred, Some lost heaven remembered. And the old dream calls him home, Home by trackless skies and foam.
O alas, such things should be! Cold as stone are he and she. Empty gapes the nest and wide They two planned with such sweet pride The sweet nestlings flown as far As the light-winged lost loves are. Love, whose love endures, see then How sweet Love is wronged again!
How these birds, from lark to sparrow,Snap his bow and blunt his arrow!