Poems (Vadlan)/The Lord is my Shepherd
As the chimes of another yearRang out on the first day's morn,There gushed from the speaker clearA motto, that none should scorn.
The tongue with angelic music,Sounded notes full of wondrous joyLiving drops of crystal glory,Streamed this text without alloy.
"The Lord is my Shepherd' the words proclaim,As link after link was found;"I shall not want," the next refrain,The speech bejeweled was crown d.
Sweeping with powerful accents,The hearers below were awed;As the glorious light came streamingStraight down from the throne of God.
What a flood of divine compassion,Spread over the listening throng:And the Valley of Shadow was safely pass'dWith the Christian's courage strong.
What a vision came to the worn one,To the pilgrim on that day,When Faith came down on wings of loveAnd the Saviour led the way.
Led to the mansions prepared above,By His own almighty hands:To dwell forever in righteousness,In the fairest of Beulah lands.