Poems (White)/Boys
For works with similar titles, see Boys.
Glad and happy, and always at play, Busy, at something the livelong day, Ever good natured, with a bright smile, Making the best of things all the while; Climbing the tree, or jumping the fence, Or springing upon you, you know not whence, Playing at marbles, or any ball game, Always in motion, ever the same; Living out the last inch of his life, When he's laughing, or at battle strife; Working out history of man,—boy too; Years of the old time, present days through. No care nor worry enters his head,. He sleeps soundly when he goes to bed; Great resentment cannot live long where Mind is healthy, with no room to spare. Without a thought of what he has on, Off to business or pleasure he's gone,—Happy and free as birds of the air, Full of the open, his health to share.