Poems and Ballads (second series)/Catalogue
By John Ruskin, LL.D.
"I say we have despised literature; what do we, as a nation, care about books? How much do you think we spend altogether on our libraries, public or private, as compared with what we spend on our horses? If a man spends lavishly on his library, you call him mad—a bibliomaniac. But you never call one a horse-maniac, though men ruin themselves every day by their horses, and you do not hear of people ruining themselves by their books. Or, to go lower still, how much do you think the contents of the book-shelves of the United Kingdom, public and private, would fetch, as compared with the contents of its wine-cellars? What position would its expenditure on literature take as compared with its expenditure on luxurious eating? We talk of food for the mind, as of food for the body: now, a good book contains such food inexhaustible: it is provision for life, and for the best part of us; yet how long most people would look at the best book before they would give the price of a large turbot for it! Though there have been men who have pinched their stomachs and bared their backs to buy a book, whose libraries were cheaper to them, I think, in the end, than most men's dinners are. We are few of us put to such a trial, and more the pity; for, indeed, a precious thing is all the more precious to us if it has been won by work or economy; and if public libraries were half as costly as public dinners, or books cost the tenth part of what bracelets do, even foolish men and women might sometimes suspect there was good in reading as well as in munching and sparkling; whereas the very cheapness of literature is making even wiser people forget that if a book is worth reading it is worth buying."—Sesame and Lilies; or, King's Treasures.
![Headpiece illustration at in-house advertising for Chatto & Windus](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bc/Headpiece_illustration_at_in-house_advertising_for_Chatto_%26_Windus.png/400px-Headpiece_illustration_at_in-house_advertising_for_Chatto_%26_Windus.png)
Square 8vo, cloth, extra gilt, gilt edges, with Coloured Frontispiece and numerous Illustrations, tos, 6.
The Art of Beauty.
By Mrs. H. R. Hawets, Author of "Chaucer for Children." With nearly One Hundred Illustrations by the Author.
"A most interesting book, full of valuable hints and suggestions. . . . . If young ladies would but lend their ears for a little to Mrs, Howweis, we are quite sure that it would result in their being at once more tasteful, more happy, and more healthy than they now often are, with their false hair, high heels, tight corsets, and ever so much else of the same sort."—NONCONFORMIST.
Crown 4to, containing 24 Plates beautifully printed in Colours, with descriptive Text, cloth extra, gilt, Gs,; illustrated boards, 35. 6.
Æsop's Fables
Translated into Human Nature. By C. H. Bennett.
"For fun and frolic the new version of Æsop's Fables must bear away the palm. font, plenty of grown-up children who like to be amused; and if this new version of old stories does not amuse then they must be very dull indeed, and their situation one much to be comriserated," —Morning Post.
Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with 639 Illustrations, 7s. 6d., a New Edition (uniform with "The Englishman's House") of
A Handbook of Architectural Styles.
Translated from the German of A. Rosengarten by W. Collett-Sandars. With 639 Illustrations.
Crown 8vo, Coloured Frontispiece and Illustrations, cloth gilt, 7s. 6d.
A History of Advertising,
From the Earliest Times, Illustrated Anecdotes, Curious Specimens, and Biographical Notes of Successful Advertisers, Coin Lee hia. sien i fi t suck tales a tivmnet antiquity, aC middle ages, and the present time, —— pron all in turn by advertisements—serions, comic, raguish, or Thc volume ts fullof entertainment, from + bike first page te the] dias. —
Crown 8vo, with Portrait and Facsimile, cloth extra, 7s. 6d.
Avtemus Ward's Works:
The Works of Cuances Farrer Browne, better known as ARTEMUS WARD. With Portrait, facsimile of Handwriting, &e. " The author combines the powers of Thackeray with those af Albert Smith, The saitit rubbed in with a native hand—one which has the of tickling—Saturday Review.
Small gto, green and gold, 6s. 6d, 3 gilt edges, 7s, 6a. As Pretty as Seven, and other Popular German Stories. Collected by Lupwic
BecustTeix. With Additional Tales by the Brothers Grimm, and 100 Illustrations by RICHTER,
Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 7s. 6d.
A Handbook of London Bankers;
With some Account of their Predecessors, the Early Goldsmiths; together with Lists of Bankers, from 1677 to 1876, By F. c Hitton Pricer, Crown $vo, cloth extra, 9s. Bardsley's Our English Surnames:
Their Sources and Significations. By CHARLES WARRING Barpstey, M.A. Second Edition, revised throughout, con0 ety nyo made? dacs a pag esas +A the ia and * ene af cai eS CN chen ee satise works from which Sactorily fe He Any ftehe hed a fret contribution to the literature of surnames, and we hope to hear more of him in this fleld.""—Times,
8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 18s,
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Travels and Adventures on the Fpipess tomes Frontier. By Valentine Baker. ~e eee Hlustrations, and plain, from Original S) Second Edition, revised and corrected. "A snice Wihe eval only Shunt Jor erawel, Fae ae haz risked his life in order to guntaemeson . ost graphic and lively narrative of travels and adventures which have 'solldag of the commonplace about them."—Lrens Mercury,
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Academy Notes, 1875. With Forty Iliustrations. 15.
Academy Notes, 1876. With One Hundred and Seven Llustrations. 14.
Academy Notes, 1877.
With One Hundred and Forty-three Illustrations. 14. Academy Notes, 1878.
With One Hundred and Fifty Illustrations, 1s.
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- ." 'The two last form a complete Catalogue to the National Gallery, and may be had bound in one volume, cloth, 3s. Other parts tin preparation.
"Onr Bank of Flegaxce notes are not it high credit. But our lank of Arts notes ovght fo be, when the dank is Hexay Prackeven's & Co., and the notesare &ls Grosvenor Gallery Notes, and kis Academy Notes for 1878. Newer were more unmistakable cases of " value received," than theirs suho purchase there fee wonderful shillingswworths—the best aids ta memory, for the collections they relate to, that dave ever been producet. The Iinstrations, excellent records of the pictures, fu many cases froin sketches by the Jainters, are full of spirit, and, for therr scale,
suamter{utly fective; the remarks terse, and to the point. After Punch's Orn Guide to cleadensy, aad the Grosvenor', the best, he has no hesitation in saying,
are Me. Blackburi's.'—Puncu, June 7, 1878. UNIFORM WITH " ACADEMY NOTES." The Royal Scottish Academy Notes, 1878. Containing One Hundred and Seventeen Ilustrations of the Chief Works, from Drawings by the Artists. Edited by Georce R. HALKETT. W. Notes to the Seventeenth Exhibition of the Glasgew
Institute of the Fine Arts, 1878. Containing 95 Il!ustrations, chiefly from Drawings by the Artists, Edited by Georcr R, HALKETT. is
Folio, half-bound boards, India proofs, 2ts.
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Etchings from his Works. By Winutam Bett Scort. With descriptive Text. "The lest side of Blake's work is op here, and makes a really attractive rwlume, which all can enjoy . . ie etching ts of the best kind, more wad delicate than the original work, savers Roca <a
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Price One Shilling Monthly, with Four Illustrations.
Belgravia Magazine.
the purpose with ch "BELGRAVIA" was originated has been fulpted, it shown by the popularity that has attended tt since its first apfearance. Aiming, as may be inferred from its Matte at sudiiys the most refined and cultivated section af London socie, intel Aabalton tailed to its requirements, tf sprang at omce into pu le. aie and has since pohonived one of the most extensively read and widely circulated af oe Tn pasting info new hands it has experienced m siructurad mod; erected energy and incrensed enpital have been cmpned' in fe tae at to the highest standard of excellence, dut all the features that had udlic appreciation oe noes retained, and the Magazine still secks its "srincifat in the ia. As the means rough which the writer most reaches the ved 'ef, the general public, and in consequence as the most int sent ete ants én the estadliskment of morals and the formation on of. character, fesion ot will remains a principal feature in the Magazine. Tio Serial Stories accordingly rin't tts gages 5 F pa entet by si furies same and ie or dramatic Shetche, ist Estays, Social, Bi ad Hisnto covertes f Bate x, to the level of eee. comprakensiom and (ehadidt a@ light touch > Pastry, of the highest « drenture and foran 'the remaining portion et the nano Te pf care is mow bestowed the illnstrations, of which ne feuwr than four appear in cack number. the design of suet the sree they SOEs. eagae. aint at mein taining a position at art, as repay drawing engrayingin re whatever claints the Magazine before potsessed to Jawour have nove enhanced, and the Publishers can Out leave the vesull te a public thet has Saitek nee eon all earnest, persistent, and well-directed Sorts for ts ameuse~ mend a
The THIRTY-FIFTH Volume of BELGRAVIA, eleganil bowled in ns cloth, fill gilt side and back, gilt edges, price 73. 6d., is -e ready. —Handsome Cases for binding the volume can be had at 23. each.
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Vers de Société. By J. Ashby-Sterry.
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The Second SERtEgs containing Pictures by ARMYTAGE, FAED, GOoDALL, HemsLey, Horstey, Marks, NICHOLLS, Sir Nori PATON, PickERsciLt, G. SMITH, Marcus Stones, SOLOMON, STratcut, E. M. Warn, and WARREN.
All engraved on Steel in the highest style of Art, Edited, with Notices of the Artists, as SYDNEY ARMYTAGE, M.A.
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in Prose and Poetry. With Introductory Essay by J. M. BerLew, Portrait of the Author, and 50 Illustrations. ane seany months before my friend's death, he had sent me two sketches of American writer (bret Harte), far e a Cakfernia (' Tike Outcaitt a Poker Fiat, os, another), in wi Sound suck subtle of character as he had #0 anywhere else in po years font wack, } the manner resembling Kemself, but me dont matter fresh to a degree that had surprised Atm; the painting in all respects =, and the wiid rude thing fainted a guite ae reality, have rarely Asiows kins more honest ly moved,.""—Foxst i's tre OF DICKENS
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" We have read it with rave enjoyment, fust aswe have delighiedly read and reread gnaint old Izaak, Mr. Audersen has dene kis werk of tromslation daintily, with true appreciation of the points in his original; ard altoes ther though date, we cannot but believe that this book wild be welconeed aivet wretch»
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ler whe desives something above the usuat novel, something whick ee,
up lanes of thought in Ais own mind, and insensibly introduce a higher st i. twee im a as . a » Here ds not velty indeed, as well as or eee aa ten bpreciate or uuderstund 'The New Re, "if cannot fait fo te be a me Foe —Onsenven,
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eine' determined Aim strict. a to certain modes of syst, i and o everens: aad these e a large extent of a siightly artificial character. di serve fo show fim in other, and certainly as attractive, a4 aos ie at the taine tite, enadjing uz toa considerable extent to sce how fe atti/uly Ag developed Aimself on the poetical or fanciful side. . . . This isa = claims, as it ought to obtain, wurions classes of renders, and we trust that the very mixed elements of duterest in it pray not conflict with its obtaining them, For the lightest reader there is much te enjoy; for the most thenghrful something to ponder over; and the thanks of both are due to editor and publisher alike." —NONCONFORMIST.
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