Poems by Felicia Dorothea Browne/To Hope
Fair enchantress gaily kind,
Sweet the dream inspir'd by thee;
Ever bless thy poet's mind
With thy heavenly energy!
Thine, oh! Hope, the magic art,
To charm the sorrows of the heart;
To chase the fond, the plaintive sigh,
With visions of felicity!
Ah! when real joys are o'er,
And love and peace delight no more,
Then thy melting syren-voice
Bids the pensive mind rejoice.
Ah! thy dreams are too beguiling;
Ah! thy prospect is too smiling.
Welcome still thy dear illusions;
Ever sweet thy wild effusions;
"Fair enchantress, gaily kind,
Ever bless thy poet's mind!"
Thine th' inspiring song of peace,
Soon the plaint of woe shall cease;
Soon again a brighter guest
Calm the mourning soul to rest.
Roses in thy path shall bloom;
Think, oh! think of joys to come!
Come Hope, and all my steps attend,
Oh! ever be my bosom-friend;
To me thy fairest dreams impart,
And whisper comfort to my heart.
Oh! shed thy sweet enchanting ray,
To bless my wild romantic way.
In thy magic scene we view
Gay delusions, seeming true.
"Sweet musician, gaily kind,
Ever bless thy poet's mind!”