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Poems for Children Sigourney/A Scripture Story

From Wikisource

A Scripture Story.

Children, I'll tell a story of the sea,
And Him who walk'd upon it.
                                              It was night,
Dark night, and the loud winds howl'd fearfully
Along the madden'd billows. O'er these waves
In all their pride and anger, Jesus came.
—A ship lay tossing there, and the strain'd eyes
Of the storm-driven mariners were bent
On Him with terror, for they did not know
Their Master in that hour.
                                     But at the sound
Of his blest voice that cheer'd their fainting hearts,
Peter, with eager footstep hasted down
To meet his Lord. The wild and boisterous blast
Made him afraid, and the cold surge came up
Against his shuddering breast.
                                             "Save me!" he cried,
"Save, or I perish."

                              Then the Saviour's hand
Was stretch'd to succor him; even as it plucks
The soul that trusts him from the flood of death,
And gives it victory. Safe on the deck
Among the glad disciples, Peter stood,
Full of adoring gratitude, while all
Gave praise and glory to the Son of God.
—Then Peter learn'd he might not place his foot
Upon the ocean's stormy face and live.
Children, you know the reason. 'T is not given
To man to tread the sea. It riseth up,
And sweeps him like a feeble weed away.
But God doth do, what man attempts in vain.
And he who made the sea, can bid its waves
In all the madness of their stormy strength,
Spread a smooth pavement for his feet divine.