Poems for the Sea/The happy Home

THOUGHTS of my happy home
Are pleasant on the Sea,
For there, my best beloved one
I know, remembers me,
And teaches with a glowing cheek
Our babe, his father's name to speak.
When on their love I muse,
I cannot feel alone,
It seems as though a diamond shield
Was o'er my bosom thrown,
The eherish'd forms of wife and child
Are sunbeams, though the storm is wild.
And when I pace the deck,
My midnight watch to keep,
I ask the never slumbering Eye
To guard their quiet sleep ;
For them I toil, for them I save,
And gladly dare the mountain wave.
Thoughts of my humble home
My hardest labours cheer,
And if it were a palace proud
It would not be as dear,
For now its little window seems
The light-house of my brightest dreams.