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Poems of Anne Countess of Winchilsea 1903/A Song upon a Punch Bowl

From Wikisource


For my Br. Les: Finch. Upon a Punch Bowl

From the Park, and the Play,And Whitehall come away,To the Punch-bowl, by far more inviting;To the Fopps, and the Beauxs,Leaue those dull empty shows,And see here, what is truly delighting.
The half Globe 'tis in figure;And wou'd itt were bigger;Yett here's the whole Universe floating,Here's Titles and Places,Rich lands, and fair faces,And all that is worthy our doating.
'Twas a World, like to this,The hott Græcian did misse,Of whom History's keep such a pother,To the bottom he sunk,And when one he had drunkGrew maudlin, and wept for another.