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Poems of Patriotism/Everywhere in America

From Wikisource
Poems of Patriotism
Edgar A. Guest
3400960Poems of PatriotismEdgar A. Guest

Everywhere in America

Not somewhere in America, but everywhere today,
Where snow-crowned mountains hold their heads, the vales where children play,
Beside the bench and whirring lathe, on every lake and stream
And in the depths of earth below, men share a common dream—
The dream our brave forefathers had of freedom and of right,
And once again in honor’s cause, they rally and unite.

Not somewhere in America is love of country found,
But east and west and north and south once more the bugles sound,
And once again, as one, men stand to break their brother’s chains,
And make the world a better place, where only justice reigns.
The patriotism that is here, is echoed over there,

The hero at a certain post is on guard everywhere.
O’er humble home and mansion rich the starry banner flies,
And far and near throughout the land the men of valor rise.

The flag that flutters o’er your home is fluttering far away
O’er homes that you have never seen. The same impulses sway
The souls of men in distant states. The red, the white and blue
Means to one hundred million strong, just what it means to you.
The self-same courage resolute you feel and understand
Is throbbing in the breasts of men throughout this mighty land.
Not somewhere in America, but everywhere today,
For justice and for liberty all free men work and pray.