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Poems of Sentiment and Imagination/A Scrap from My Portfolio

From Wikisource


Nay, uncurl thy lip of pride,
Scorn not wholly human weakness;
Thou shalt learn, when thou art tried,
More of sin-forgiving meekness.

Is the world's condemning sneer
Cast upon thy fellow-man?
Bravely let thy smile, thy tear,
Cheer to virtue if it can.

Does the frail one pass thee by
With a bended brow of sadness—
Frown not, in that heart now lie
Thoughts that scorch the brain to madness.

Life is strong, and hearts are frail—
In the struggle man may fall;
But if aught from us avail,
Shall we answer not the call?

Check thy spirit's wayward scorn,
Wreathe thy lip with smiles of love,
Bind the heart remorse hath torn,
And let kindness virtue move.

Feel no shame that thou hast been
Gentle to the erring one,
That the soul once dark with sin
Fairer 'neath thy smile hath grown.