Poems on Several Occasions (Broome)/Courage in Love
My Eyes with Floods of Tears o'erflow,My Bosom heaves with constant Woe;Those Eyes, which thy Unkindness swells,That Bosom, where thy Image dwells!
How could I hope so weak a FlameCould ever warm that matchless Dame,When none Elysium must behold,Without a radiant Bough of Gold!'Tis hers, in Spheres to shine,At distance to admire, is mine: Doom'd, like th' enamour'd [1]Youth, to groanFor a new Goddess form'd of Stone.
While thus I spoke, Love's gentle Pow'rDescended from th' Æthereal Bow'r;A Quiver at his Shoulder hung,A Shaft he grasp'd; and Bow unstrung.All Nature own'd the genial God,And the Spring flourish'd where he trod:My Heart, no Stranger to the Guest,Flutter'd, and labour'd in my Breast;When with a Smile that kindles JoyEv'n in the Gods, began the Boy:
How vain these Tears? is Man decreed,By being abject, to succeed? Hop'st thou by meagre Looks to move?Are Women frighten'd into Love?He most prevails who nobly dares;In Love an Hero, as in Wars:Ev'n Venus may be known to yield,But 'tis when Mars disputes the Field:Sent from a daring Hand my DartStrikes deep into the Fair-one's Heart:To Winds and Waves thy Cares bequeath,A Sigh, is but a waste of Breath:What tho' gay Youth, and every GraceThat Beauty boasts, adorn her Face,Yet Goddesses have deign'd to wed,And take a Mortal to their Bed:And Heav'n, when Gifts of Incense rise,Accepts it, tho' it cloud their Skies.
Mark! how this Marygold concealsHer Beauty, and her Bosom veils,How from the dull Embrace she fliesOf Phœbus, when his Beams arise;But when his Glory he displays,And darts around his fiercer Rays,Her Charms she opens, and receivesThe vigorous God into her Leaves.
- ↑ Polydorus, who pine'd to death for the Love of a beautiful Statue.