Poems on Several Occasions (Broome)/Poverty and Poetry
Poverty and Poetry.
'Twas sung of old how one Amphion,Could by his Verses tame a Lion;And by his strange enchanting Tunes,Make Bears or Wolves dance Rigadoons:His Songs could call the Timber down,And form it into House or Town;But it is plain that in these timesNo House is rais'd by Poets Rhimes;They for themselves can only rearA few wild Castles in the Air;Poor are the Brethren of the Bays,Down from high Strains, to Ekes and Ayes. The Muses too are Virgins yet,And may be—till they Portions get.
Yet still the doating Rhimer dreams,And sings of Helicon's bright Streams,But Helicon, for all his clatter,Yields only uninspiring Water;Yet ev'n athirst he sweetly singsOf Nectar, and Elysian Springs.
What dire malignant Planet sheds,Ye Bards, his Influence on your Heads?Lawyers, by endless Controversies,Consume unthinking Clients Purses,As Pharaoh's Kine, which strange and odd is,Devour'd the plump and well-fed Bodies.
The grave Physician, who by Physic,Like Death, dispatches him that is sick,Pursues a sure and thriving Trade,Tho' Patients die, the Doctor's paid;Licens'd to kill, he gains a Palace,For what another mounts the Gallows.
In shady Groves the Muses stray,And love in flow'ry Meads to play;An idle Crew! whose only Trade isTo shine in Trifles, like our Ladies;In dressing, dancing, toying, singing,While wiser Pallas thrives by spinning;Thus they gain nothing to bequeathTheir Vot'ries, but a Laurel Wreath.
But Love rewards the Bard! the FairAttend his Song, and ease his Care:Alas! fond Youth, your Plea you urge illWithout a Jointure, tho' a Virgil;Could you like Phœbus sing, in vainYou nobly swell the lofty Strain,Coy Daphne flies, and you will find asHard Hearts as hers in your Belindas.
But then some say you purchase Fame,And gain that envy'd Prize, a Name;Great Recompense! like his who sellsA Diamond, for Beads and Bells;Will Fame be thought sufficient BailTo keep the Poet from the Jayl?
Thus the brave Soldier, in the Wars,Gets empty Praise, and aking Scars:Is paid with Fame and wooden Legs,And starv'd, the glorious Vagrant begs.