Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral/An Hymn to Humanity
An HYMN to Humanity.
To S. P. G. Esq;
Forsakes his azure-paved hall
A prince of heav'nly birth!
Divine Humanity behold.
At his descent to earth!
With wonder and delight he view'd,
And fix'd his empire there:
The fire of gods and men address'd,
"My son, my heav'nly fair!
"To succour man's afflicted son
"To act in bounties unconfin'd
"Enlarge the close contracted mind,
"And fill it with thy fire."
He wings his course from star to star,
And leaves the bright abode.
The Virtue did his charms impart;
Their G y! then thy raptur'd heart
Perceiv'd the rushing God:
The languid muse in low degree,
Then, then at thy desire
Descended the celestial nine;
O'er me methought they deign'd to shine,
Or can such friendship fail to move
A tender human heart?
Immortal Friendship laurel-crown'd
With ev'ry heav'nly Art.