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Poems on Various Subjects (Coleridge)/Effusion 25, to Domestic Peace

From Wikisource

First published in Coleridge's drama The Fall of Robespierre in 1795, in which it appears as a song

3288739Poems on Various Subjects — Effusion 25, to Domestic PeaceSamuel Taylor Coleridge


TELL me, on what holy ground
May Domestic Peace be found?
Halcyon Daughter of the skies,
Far on fearful wings she flies,
From the pomp of scepter'd State,
From the Rebel's noisy hate.

In a cottaged vale She dwells
List'ning to the Sabbath bells!
Still around her steps are seen
Spotless Honor's meeker mien,
Love, the fire of pleasing fears,
Sorrow smiling through her tears,
And conscious of the past employ
Memory, bosom-spring of Joy.