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Poems upon Several Occasions/25

From Wikisource



DElia, how long must I despair,
And tax you with Disdain,
Still to my tender Love severe,
Untouch'd when I complain?


When Men of equal Merit love us,

And do with equal Ardour sue,
Thyrsis, you know but one can move us;
Can I be yours and Strephon's too?

My Eyes view both with mighty Pleasure,
Impartial to your high Desert,
To both a like Esteem I measure,
To one alone can give my Heart.


Mysterous Guide of Inclination,

Tell me, Tyrant, why am I,
With equal Merit, equal Passion,
Thus the Victim chose to die?
Why am I
The Victim chose to die?


On Fate alone depends Success,

And Fancy Reason over-rules,
Or, why shou'd Virtue ever miss
Reward, so often given to Fools?
'Tis not the Valiant, nor the Witty,
But who alone is born to please,
Love does predestinate our Pity;
We chuse but whom he first decrees.