Poems upon Several Occasions/34
SINCE Truth and Constancy are vain,
Since neither Love; nor Sense of Pain,
Nor Force of Reason, can persuade,
Then let Example be obey'd.
In Courts and Cities, cou'd you see
How well the wanton Fools agree,
Were all the Curtains drawn, you'd find
Scarce one, perhaps, but who is kind.
Miverva naked, from above,
With Venus, and the Wife of Jove,
Exposing ev'ry Beauty bare,
Descended to the Trojan Heir;
Yet this was she whom Poets name
Goddess of Chastity and Fame.
Penelope, her Lord away,
Gave am'rous Audiences all Day;
Now round the Bowl the Suitors sit,
With Wine provoking Mirth and Wit:
Then down they take the stubborn Bow;
Their Strength, it seems, she needs must know:
Thus twenty chearful Winters past,
She's yet immortaliz'd for chaste.
Smile Myra then, reward my Flame,
And be as much secure of Fame:
By all those matchless Beauties fir'd,
By my own matchless Love inspir'd,
So will I sing, such Wonders write,
That when th' astonish'd World shall cite
A Nymph of spotless Worth and Fame,
Myra shall be th' immortal Name.