Poems upon Several Occasions/57
Phyllis Drinking.
WHile Phyllis is drinking, Love and Wine in Alliance.
With Forces united bid resistless Defiance;
By the Touch of her Lips the Wine sparkles higher,
And her Eyes by her drinking redouble their Fire.
Her Cheeks glow the brighter, recruiting their Colour,
As Flowers by sprinkling revive with fresh Odour;
His Dart dipt in Wine, Love wounds beyond curing,
And the Liquor, like Oyl, makes the Flame more enduring.
By Cordials of Wine, Love is kept from expiring,
And our Mirth is enliven'd by Love and Desiring,
Relieving each other, the Pleasure is lasting,
And we never are cloy'd, yet are ever a tasting.
Then Phyllis begin, let our Raptures abound,
And a Kiss and a Glass be still going round;
Our Joys are immortal while thus we remove
From Love to the Bottle, from the Bottle to Love.